Senin, 18 November 2013

Analitical Exposition - my English task

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery


Plastic surgery is the branch of surgery specialising in repairing and reconstructing missing or damaged tissue and skin, usually due to surgery, illness, injury or an abnormality present from birth.The main aim of plastic surgery is to restore the function of tissues and skin to as close to normal as possible. Improving the appearance of body parts is an important, but secondary, objective of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery uses a great range of techniques, depending on the condition being treated. There are three main groups of reconstructive methods: skin grafts - a procedure that transfers parts of healthy skin from an unaffected area of the body to replace lost or damaged skin, relying on the grafted area to keep the graft alive. Skin flap surgery - a procedure that involves the transfer of a living piece of tissue from one part of the body to another, along with the blood vessels that keep it alive; it is called flap surgery because the healthy tissue usually remains partially attached to the body while it is repositioned. Tissue expansion - a procedure that enables the body to 'grow' extra skin by stretching surrounding tissue, this extra skin can then be used to help reconstruct the nearby area. As well as these main techniques, plastic surgeons use a wide range of other methods – such as vacuum closure (where suction is applied to the wound through a sterile piece of foam to help encourage better healing), camouflage make-up or cream and prosthetic devices (for example, artificial limbs).


Plastic surgery can be used to repair abnormalities caused by birth defects, such as a cleft lip and palate, webbed fingers and birthmarks, repair areas damaged by the removal of cancerous tissue, such as from the face or breast and repair extensive burns or other serious injuries, such as those sustained during motor vehicle accidents. Plastic surgery can also help a person recover their self-esteem and confidence following surgery for an abnormality that has existed from birth (congenital abnormality), an injury or illness.


As with any type of surgery, there are risks and complications associated with plastic surgery. The degree of risk will depend on a number of factors, including whether the surgery is to a small or large area of tissue, the surgeon's level of experience and the overall health of the person having the procedure. Some procedures carry specific risks, but general risks include infection, scarring and the failure of the repaired area of skin due to a restricted blood supply.


I think plastic surgery is not too necessary except for big injuries repairs. With plastic surgery we can make our appeareance exactly like we want, something kinda fake. But plastic surgery wont be able to change our genetic or DNA. There are so many side effects and serious risks for doing plastic surgery. So, I think it's better not to take these kind of plastic surgery. We should be grateful for everything God has given to us. 


   Dolphin is cute, intelligent marine mammals. Dolphins are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They live in shallow seas and river. They're carnivores and eat fish, squid and crustaceans. Dolphins has varies coloration but generally gray with darker backs. 
   Dolphins do ecolocation to navigate and hunt. They listening for the echoes with high-pitched sounds. Well known for their playful behaviour, they often do spy-hope (rise vertically out of the water). Usually they'll follow ships in the ocean. Generally they will live for 35-45 years. To prevent drowning while sleeping, only half of the dolphin's brain goes to sleep while the other half remains awake so they can continue to breathe. They weight is 110 kg to 400 kg and lenght about 1.5 m to 4 m. Do you know? dolphins also can sniff out bombs and are useful for military.

If I

If I get IDR...
1. I'll save the money for my study
2. I'll use it for my beloved friends and family and make them happy
3. I'll use it to help poor people
4. I'll buy maimai machine, LOL
5. I'll buy clothes
6. I'll buy a small car
7. I'll buy a cute, not too big but comfortable house.
8. I'll use it to start a bussiness
9. I'll buy what I need
10. I'll save it for my marriage and family someday

I'll be happy if...
1. I go to heaven
2. My parents and family are happy
3. I become a good and a success doctor, a doctor beauty and cosmetic specialst
4. I can play maimai anytime and mastered it
5. I can entertain people, spread the love and happiness to others, helping who need help.
6. I get what I want and what I need
7. I can reach all my dreams
8. Meets a good, handsome, smart,success, nice and kind man who responsible, cute, shaleh and always loves me. Get him and make a warm family and happily everafter with them. LOL
9. I'm a mother
10. I have a good score in every tests.