Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Book's review

Ghostgirl:: Homecoming

Charlotte Usher is dead. But that doesn’t stop her best friend from seeking her help in the afterlife. Kidzworld reviews Ghostgirl: Homecoming by Tonya Hurley.
Author: Tonya Hurley

Charlotte Usher is dead. You would think this is where her story ends, but in fact, death by gummy bear was only the beginning. Since she graduated from Dead Ed, Charlotte has been an unwilling intern for a troubled teen hotline. Only she, unlike every other intern, hasn’t received a single call.Charlotte is bored out of her mind, resenting the fact that she’ll never get to grown up or get married, or even change her clothes for that matter. She spends her days chatting with Matilda, her new roommate and fellow intern, and staring at her phone, willing it to ring.One day, Charlotte’s best friend Scarlett temporarily crosses over to the afterlife (through a self-induced coma), urgently seeking Charlotte’s help: Scarlett’s sister Petula is in a coma, mere inches from death, and only Charlotte can help bring her back. But Charlotte is torn. She’s always wanted to be beautiful and popular like Petula, whose materialistic and appearance-minded attitude is the reason she fell into a coma. Should Charlotte help Scarlett resurrect her sister (even though they didn’t really care for each other in the first place), or should she use this opportunity to possess Petula’s body and become the most popular girl at Hawthorne High?Ghostgirl: Homecoming is the second novel in Tonya Hurley’s Ghostgirl series. It was a creative concept, telling the story from the perspective of people who are both alive and dead. Unfortunately, if you haven’t read the first book, Homecoming might be a little hard to follow. It mentions scenarios from the first book without properly explaining them. The references confuse the reader rather than get them caught up. So if you want to read this series, definitely start from book one.
I think this novel is good. My favorite part is when Charlotte was dead by a gummy bear. She's so different. Actually this is my first novel book that i've finished read. I've read from book one. Twisted story. Charlotte has tried everything to gain popularity like Petula but it's never worked.


Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

National Examination in Indonesia

    National Examination in Indonesia

     In Indonesia, national examination has been done for more than 30 years. National examination is actually to measure the students competences, it's like one of the ways to reach our Ministry of Education's goals. UN or national examination is given to the students of the 6th grade in elementary school, 3rd grade in junior high school, and the 3rd grade in senior high school. National examination is a mapping to know the capacity each school from each region and it is to improve the quality of education. National examination in Indonesia determines whether a student graduate or not.
     But each year the national examination become worse. Especially the national examination in 2013, it was the worst. There were many problems such as the ammount of the question and answer paper that are lack or switched. It was a serious problem! It makes the students stressed and depressed. Then the national examination was delayed at that time makes them more down. Even if there wasn't any problem the students are already pressed. Can you imagine it?
     It depresses the student spirit as it threatens their motivations to study better. The government too blows up the important of national examination. As the result the students try to get the highest scores with 'dirty tricks' meanwhile the process of knowledge and students honesty character is more important. UN will always be sought as something of a formality. But UN is still needed as long as it's well maintained.

Save Energy

         Why must we save energy? Maybe that's the question what people would ask when they heard a word "to save energy". Energy is a power that can be used to do something or maybe many activities. Energy can be a part of a matter or not. We can get energy from sunlight, electricity, fuel or another energy sourceses. Who knows how long have people on earth been using energy  from non-renewable sources and ineed years to regeneration.

          In the other side, developing technology will need more energy. Big buildings in the cities are also use a half of reserve energy that we save for the future. Moreover, the increasing number of population will cause energy crisis someday. Maybe there are many people outside who still care to think about environment and earth life. But, there are also many people who use energy without thinking first and just using it to do something useless.

          We can imagine how much we spend energy in a day. Maybe, it just for listening the music non-stop, playing video games, and lighting in house that lights all day long. How many liters of gasoline that use for vehicles everyday in Indonesia? There are so many people in Indonesia who use motorcycle and car for transportation everyday. They caused more traffic jam and air pollution. 

          Those are the realities. So, the best answer for the question above is maybe we just need to care about our future life without lose our life today. We may use all the available resources for now, but the more important thing is we don't need to waste it all. it means, everything what we should be appropiate with the regulation about saving the energy. 

            We must aware about it. One little thrift, if all people do it, it becomes a big thing, doesn't it? Not only one person but sure all people start to save energy from now on. We can do it everywhere. And earth will be a comfortable and beautiful place for all.

source : google.com